Chun Ming Engineering Co. Ltd. was established in 1954 and the first unit of electric dumbwaiter was designed and made by Mr. Lo Chun Ming in 1960.

Mr. Lo Chun Ming
Founder & Chairman of the Company
Since then, our company is the largest specialist manufacturer of dumbwaiters in Hong Kong and was licensed by the HK Government as a Registered Lift and Escalator Contractor. And in 24th September 1998, we also successfully obtained certification to ISO9001 by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA). (Certificate No.: CC1217)

Chun Ming owned 15,000 square feet plant and by spending more than 10 millions on high technology equipment, we can manufacture the needed equipment / spare parts ourselves in high quality, more efficient and low cost.

High technology equipment

Advanced machinery

High technology equipment

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